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Kyung Hee University

Mar 2017 - Feb 2023

B.A. in French, B.F.A. in Visual Design (Dual Degree)

GPA: 3.976/4.3 | Merit-based scholorships: 2017-2, 2022-2


UI/UX Designer (Freelance)

Sep 2023 -


GPA: 3.976/4.3 | Merit-based scholorships: 2017-2, 2022-2

UI/UX Designer (Founding Member)

Jun 2021 - Oct 2023


  • Led the mobile app design for a ‘direct indexing’ fintech service, optimizing the previously PC-only service for mobile use.
  • UI/UX Designer

    Apr 2020 - Apr 2021

    Dacon Inc.

  • Renewed an AI hackathon platform based on in-depth interviews and Google Analytics (GA) to identify user needs and pain points for improvement.
  • Designed a ranking system. Collaborated with data scientists and gathered feedback from beta testers, resulting in a more systematic and cohesive ranking system.
  • Presented the semi-finals pitch at the Boston MassChallenge, a start-up accelerating program.

  • UI/UX Designer

    Jun 2018 - Jun 2023

    Raise Uganda Now

  • Voluntary work as the design lead of Raise Uganda Now, US nonprofit organization 501(c).